Dear Poet:

I have the most wonderful news to share with you!

The news has to do with fulfilling a dream I've had since I was a little girl, over 70 years ago... about
publishing an anthology of the most beautiful religious poetry being written in our century! Surely the
world needs such a book now, more than ever before! My dream has not faded through the years, but has
become, indeed, a burning passion. Finally, after a full life of inspiring poets and being inspired by them, I'm
hard at work!

For several months now I've been working on Our Twentieth Century's Greatest Religious Poems. As the
name suggests, the book comprises religious poems by our world's greatest contemporary poets. And the
exciting news is:

I'd like permission to publish one of your beautiful poems in the book!

I've lived in this world a good long while, and I'm sure of one thing: every fine poet such as yourself, has
written at least one good—if not great—religious poem, a poem that friends and family agree is the best
you've ever written …

(It goes on and on; you get the point.)